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Monday, November 14, 2011

Does Christianity stifle personal freedom ?

Myth # 2: Christianity stifles personal freedom.
Christians are often accused of having a negative religion. Many people think that Christians are boxed in by an extensive list of “do’s” and “don’ts.” They seem to be opposed to life and freedom. Both their personality and behavior are constricted. Theirs is an uptight and boring religion.  But this does not characterize the biblical perspective on Christian life and values.
The Christian ethic is distinctive on both personal and social levels.  The basic Christian conviction on values is that God’s norms result in freedom. We are not forced into a straitjacket. Rather, God’s standards act as a skeletal structure which gives life form and meaning.
The Christian ethic is structured, but it is also deeply personal. It is based on, and motivated by, a personal relationship with God himself. It is not arbitrary, chaotic, or irresponsible. It is discovered in living richly within the parameters God has set out. Here we find our identity and fulfillment. Christians don’t have to fit into a mold; they are not meant to be clones. Instead, the guidelines God has given unleash creativity. Christians are motivated to express themselves in fresh ways, thereby bringing life and vitality to others.
God’s norms also orient us towards our neighbor. They move us in the direction of a positive, constructive, and caring lifestyle. At the same time, they move us away from a selfish, bigoted, and destructive one. These norms, based on the character of a perfect God, provide a foundation upon which we can build our lives, discern right from wrong, and they provide an reference point to resolve relational conflicts. The Christian ought to be oriented to making an unselfish contribution to humanity. Thus, the Christian ethic has form and freedom to prevent the extremes of irresponsibility and legalism.
Moreover, Christian norms go beyond individual relationships. Christians are mandated to be concerned about social justice, the poor, the environment, and the sanctity of life. While they do not have ready-made answers, Christians at least have a firm starting point and a framework within which to work and think. They are challenged with God’s perspective on life and are called to love God and all humanity with all they are and have.
Far from stifling freedom, Christian values are challenging and liberating. They provide what is, in fact, a very strong affirmation of life.

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