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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Proof that evoltion is a lie

Koko the Gorilla PROVES Evolution a Lie!
Compiled and edited by David J. Stewart
"Koko (born July 4, 1971, in San Francisco, California) is the name of a captive, acculturated gorilla trained by Dr. Francine 'Penny' Patterson and other scientists at Stanford University to allegedly communicate with more than 1,000 signs based on American Sign Language. She has lived most of her life in Woodside, California, but plans for a move to a sanctuary at Maui, Hawaii are nearing attainment. She was also the inspiration for Amy, the 'talking' ape, in the Michael Crichton book Congo." -SOURCE
According to ... "The Gorilla Foundation's Mission is to: Bring interspecies communication to the public in order to save gorilla's from extinction and inspire our children to create a sustainable future for all apes."  First, may I say, the world has truly gone insane!  While little babies are being brutally murdered through abortion by the hundreds-of-millions, people are trying to create a "sustainable future for all apes."  How about creating a sustainable future for all humans? 
It is inconceivable that a society would rather save whales than it's own children.  Save the whales?  How about saving the children!  Society spends several billion dollars a year spoiling it's pets; while children continue to be slaughtered in abortion clinics worldwide.  Children are infinitely more important than animals.  I'm not trying to be critical of those who love animals and want to help protect them; but something is VERY wrong with a society that desires to save its animals more than it's children.

Trying to Turn Ape Into Man
Notice that the gorilla foundation's mission is to: Bring interspecies communication to the public..."  How ridiculous?  Here's what they say about Koko ...
During the course of the study, Koko has advanced further with language than any other non-human. Koko has a working vocabulary of over 1000 signs. Koko understands approximately 2,000 words of spoken English. Koko initiates the majority of conversations with her human companions and typically constructs statements averaging three to six words. Koko has a tested IQ of between 70 and 95 on a human scale, where 100 is considered "normal." Michael, the male silverback gorilla who grew up with Koko, had a working vocabulary of over 600 signs.

In addition to intensive studies of vocabulary acquisition, the project has investigated spontaneous gorilla language use. This involves the study of innovative linguistic strategies, invention of new signs and compound words, simultaneous signing, self-directed signing, displacement, prevarication, reference to time and emotional states, gestural modulation, metaphorical word use, humor, definition, argument, insult, threat, fantasy play, storytelling and moral judgment. The depth and variety of gorilla language use has significantly exceeded initial expectations. Indeed, evidence has been found for the existence, in less developed form, of almost every aspect of human behavior.

Project Koko is the cornerstone of TGF/'s work. By demonstrating the intelligence of gorillas, TGF/ can more effectively lobby for the humane treatment of captive animals and increased conservation efforts for those that are free-living. -
Did you read that? ... "By demonstrating the intelligence of gorillas, TGF/ can more effectively lobby for the humane treatment of captive animals..."  Oh boy!  Isn't it crazy how mankind wants to treat animals like people, and people like animals?  Where are all the aborted apes?  Come to think of it, maybe apes are smarter than humans--at least they don't murder their own children! 
Here's another quote from above... "Koko has a tested IQ of between 70 and 95 on a human scale, where 100 is considered 'normal'."  Do you see where this is leading?  Godless men have utterly failed to prove that man came from ape, so now they are trying to prove that ape is man. 

Proof that Evolution is a Lie
Dr. Francine 'Penny' Patterson and other scientists at Stanford University have spent the last 35 years training an ape to be human.  They have utterly failed!   Koko still can't speak.  Koko can't use a calculator.  Koko can't logic enough to perform even basic mathematical calculations.  Koko has no moral compass to guide her, no desire for truth.  Koko is an ANIMAL, with only the most basic similarities between humans.  In fact, dolphins are much smarter than apes.  Dolphins are incredible creatures; but that doesn't mean they should be treated like humans.  It is dangerous when a society starts talking about treating animals like humans.  Please don't misunderstand me, I'm not advocating animal torture; but people must come before animals
If men came from apes, then why are there still apes?  Hmmm.  It doesn't take a PhD (post-hole digger) to figure that one out.  Do you realize just how stupid the theories of evolution are?  I mean, evolutionists literally claim that the universe started with a BIG BANG (order out of chaos).  The Bible teaches the exact opposite, that an Intelligent Designer created the universe. 
Evolutionists claim that all life on earth began with a rock floating in space, and then it rained for millions of years (forming a soup across the face of the earth), which eventually somehow sprung forth into life.  And they laugh at Christians who teach creationism?  Evolutionists still cannot explain where time started?  Could there have been a time when there was no time?  If so, then what existed before time?  Perplexing thought, huh?  God is the only plausible answer.  By the way, here's a good way to silence an atheist.  Ask him if he believes in aliens?  Many atheists will say "yes."  Then ask him why couldn't God be an alien?
Evolution is a lie of the Devil, and an object of hilarious humor to any rational and honest person.  Ask any child if their great distant grandpa was a gorilla and see what response you get? ... "You're crazy!"  Lest you think that Koko is not being used to promote the lie of evolution, listen carefully to the words of Koko's primary trainer, Francine “Penny” Patterson, PhD ’79, president and director of research of The Gorilla Foundation/ ...
Homo sapiens is subject to a more complex (and dangerous) version of this—we are generally unaware of the shackles of the conditioning of our thoughts, emotions and behavior. Predominantly lost in thought, and as a result, trapped in psychological time (i.e., our own stories of past and future), we are effectively absent from the here and now. The consequences of this evolutionary stage are becoming increasingly apparent: conflict, violence, destruction of the environment and other beings. One astute reporter observed that the war in the Middle East is the result of “an inability to accommodate a competing narrative.”

Although the forces of natural selection continue to operate, the next step in evolution is also something we can give conscious agency. Without this, there may be no next step—the human condition (self-identification with thinking) may cause our extinction. The next, and perhaps most critical, stage in human evolution at this time is “conscious evolution,” evolution directed by human self-reflective consciousness to go beyond thought into an alert state of awareness of the beauty, wisdom and unity of the universe exactly as it is now. This doesn’t mean we don’t change things, it just means that when we do, our actions come from a deeper and more peaceful place.

There are a number of ways to move beyond thought; one is to break identification with thoughts by becoming aware of the self as an impartial observer of those thoughts. Another way is acceptance of the present moment. As a result of these practices, the mind loses its compulsive quality and the baggage of conditioning is dropped. Acceptance of ourselves and others as they are brings an openness and clear space into our lives that allows our penchant for judgment, labeling and negativity to be transcended by peace. Crisis or great loss can also hush the incessant noise of thinking.

These ideas are not new, they date back thousands of years. In recent times, the concept of unconditional acceptance has formed the basis of humanistic psychology, client-centered therapy and my father’s proposed universal system of psychotherapy (Patterson, 1995, 2000). Acceptance is recognized as a necessary condition for positive change. Darwin described the biological bases for this next step in The Descent of Man. He observed that not only humans but also other animals show the virtue of self-transcendence, for example, in risking one’s life to save another, not necessarily of the same species (Loye, 2000). Darwin postulated a drive toward goodness, and he and Koko agree on this point: “People have goodness” in Koko’s words, and she includes herself in the category “people.”

Recently a physiological basis for empathy has been found in the form of “mirror cells” in the brains of animals that fire when another’s action is observed (Gallese, et al., 2004). These neurons, like the “point-of-view gun” in the recent film version of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, could be fodder for natural selection in view of our newfound ability to quickly wipe other species and our own off the planet.

The shift from being lost in thought to being present in the here and now may be facilitated by observing not only ourselves, but also our fellow animals.  Koko provided the space of acceptance and love for her first kitten, All Ball, in spite of his unruly behavior. What we have found through educational outreach with Project Koko is that when kids observe Koko in videos or books, they have an experience that is beyond thought (a sense of awe). Then when the thoughts come, there comes with them space for open discussion. Might we show our children early in their schooling how observing their own thoughts allows them to realize that they have the freedom to move past them?

Moving beyond thought is how creative geniuses such as Einstein have experienced flashes of insight that have opened new realms of understanding. With the above techniques, these experiences can be readily accessible to everyone for the benefit of all.

This next step in evolution is something we cannot afford to wait for the forces of nature to shape. We have access to the next step now—we just need to consciously decide to take it, both as individuals and as a species.

SOURCE (STANFORD Magazine: May/Jun 2006 > Red All Over > Just One Question > What's the next step in human evolution?)

More Than A Gorilla?
Clearly, Koko is much more than just a gorilla to Stanford University and evolutionists worldwide.  She is their token gorilla--something they can further brainwash college students with all over the world.  Koko is simply an animal, and all of the time, money, and resources invested into her have produced nothing more than an animal on the same level as a well-trained dog.  Francine Patterson, Koko's trainer, states in the above article... "The shift from being lost in thought to being present in the here and now may be facilitated by observing not only ourselves, but also our fellow animals."  In other words, to move onto the next step of evolution we must start communicating with animals. 
No wonder California is called the "granola state" (i.e., the land of fruits and nuts).  Miss Patterson further states ... "Homo sapiens is subject to a more complex (and dangerous) version of this—we are generally unaware of the shackles of the conditioning of our thoughts, emotions and behavior. Predominantly lost in thought, and as a result, trapped in psychological time (i.e., our own stories of past and future), we are effectively absent from the here and now. The consequences of this evolutionary stage are becoming increasingly apparent: conflict, violence, destruction of the environment and other beings.
As unbelievable as it sounds, Miss Patterson is saying that all of the world's problems are consequences of a premature state in the evolution process of life.  She is suggesting that by reaching out to the animal world, and amongst ourselves--that mankind's awareness, concern, and overall manner of thinking will be elevated.  She states ... "The shift from being lost in thought to being present in the here and now may be facilitated by observing not only ourselves, but also our fellow animals."

The Truth
As with all unbelieving evolutionists, humanists, and skeptics--Francine Patterson refuses to acknowledge the Word of God in her life and research.  The Bible declares mankind as sinful (Romans 3:10,23).  The answer to mankind's woes is not going to be "facilitated by observing" ourselves and the animals.  This is Miss Patterson's solution for mankind, and she is very wrong.  Mankind's problems are caused by sin (Romans 5:12). 
The remedy for man's sin is the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 10:9-13).  Koko represents the utter foolishness of sinful men and women, who desperately try to brainwash young people to reject God and His Word. 
“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.” —1st Corinthians 3:19

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