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Monday, December 5, 2011

Lying for jesus ?

Why Do Christians Lie So Much? Truth and Christianity
by Rich Deem


What is truth?

Before Jesus was crucified, He was brought before Pontius Pilate, who wanted to know why the Jews wanted Him dead. Jesus said that it was true that He claimed to be a king and that He came to testify of the truth. Pilate's cynical response was "What is truth?" Contrary to Pilate's cynicism, the Bible claims that truth exists, and is to be sought and defended at all times.
Rich Deem
Most skeptics want to know the truth about the world and how it works. In discussing Christianity with atheists, I find that most tend to believe that Christians lie and avoid the truth to support their "faith." While there are ministries and individuals that purposefully suppress the truth and present fallacious information, this kind of behavior is extremely evil and antithetical to biblical Christianity.

The Bible and truth

Truth is so important in the Bible that it is emphasized hundreds of times. The Bible claims to be true throughout and that all God has said is true.1 The Bible also claims that the gospel (good news) of Jesus Christ is true2 and the way of salvation.3 Any prophecy that is made in the name of the Lord is to be tested for truth4 so that one knows whether a prophet speaks for God or not.

God's truthfulness

One of the most often described attribute of God is His truthfulness.5 In fact, God is called the "God of truth."6 Since the God of Christianity is described as a Trinity consisting of three persons, all members share the same attributes. Therefore, not only God the Father,5 but God the Son7 (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit8 represent truth. In fact, Jesus said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life."9 The Holy Spirit is also known as the "Spirit of truth"10 So, after love, God's most often described attribute is that He represents truth.

God's instructions on truthfulness

The Bible says that God desires truth in our innermost being11 and that he "desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth"12 We are told that we should serve God in truth13 and worship Him in spirit and truth.14 Our prayers are to be presented in sincerity and truth.15 We are to select our leaders on the basis of their truthfulness,16 and their judgments are to be based upon the truth.17 In fact, no person was to be convicted of a capital crime on the basis of one witness, but at least two were required,18 to minimize the possibility of a false conviction.
Individuals are implored to speak the truth at all times,19 and are commended for doing so.20 We are instructed not to lie,21 and lying is strongly condemned.22 Testifying falsely against another person is specifically prohibited in the Ten Commandments,23 and is punishable with the same punishment the accused would have received (including falsely testifying in a capital crime).24 Evil and unrighteous people oppose the truth25 and will not even receive it.26 A lack of truth leads to evil and injustice.27 God will punish those who suppress the truth,28 and lying is one of the sins that keeps one out of heaven,29 since it is the "City of Truth".30

The Christian and the truth

The Bible says that those who practice the truth will come to the Light of Jesus31 to be saved,32 and that the truth of following Jesus' teaching will set one free from sin.33 One who receives Jesus becomes a new creation, established in truth in the likeness of God.34 The Christian puts on spiritual "armor," which includes the belt of truth.35 The Christian is to "buy truth,"36 "love truth,"37 and rejoice in the truth."38 The Christian is to be established in the truth,39 to love in truth and deed (not just lip service),40 and correct those who stray from the truth.41 The Christian is to think deeply about things that are true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, excellent, and worthy of praise.42 The Christian church is to be the "pillar of the truth."43 When surveyed about the importance of honesty, more theists rated honesty as "very important" compared to atheists.44

Is lying ever okay?

From all the preceding Bible verses, it would seem that lying would never be acceptable. However, this is not necessarily correct, since there are times that telling the truth would actually facilitate the exercise of evil. A good example of this principle occurred during World War II, when Christians hid Jews and lied to the occupying authorities to prevent their deaths. A biblical example occurred when Rahab the prostitute hid the Jewish scouts on her roof and lied to the king of Jericho to protect their lives.45 Because of this act, her life was spared and she was counted as one of the people of faith in the New Testament book of Hebrews.46 So, lying is okay only when not doing so would jeopardize innocent life.

What about Christians who lie?

It often seems that Christian leaders get caught all the time lying or having affairs or doing some other evil thing that contradicts the tenets of Christianity. The perception that this is common is a function of the news media, which loves to report such kinds of behavior. Everyone loves to hate a hypocrite. When famous atheists commit adultery (even on a routine basis) it isn't news at all, since there is no tenet of atheism that one be faithful to his spouse.
Although there are "Christians" who lie, we can't be sure that they are really Christians at all. This is because being a Christian isn't based upon what a person says, but what Jesus says at the judgment. According to Jesus, many who claim to do things in His name will be rejected by Him at the judgment:
"Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.'" (Matthew 7:22-23)
At Evidence for God from Science, we take truth very seriously. Most pages contain a contact link where you can send correspondence to the page's author. Every page contains a link to report errors. We read all correspondence, and have made hundreds of changes to the site based upon reader's feedback.

Conclusion Top of page

From all the deception that has gone on among Christians, it would seem that truth is not held in very much esteem. However, Christianity does not teach this kind of immoral behavior. The God of the Bible is also known as the God of Truth, who desires that all people convey truth to each other at all times. The Christian is to live a life that is established in truth - truth in speaking, in loving, and truth in all one does and thinks. Those who knowingly violate such ideals are in opposition to Christianity, and may not even be Christians. The Christian church is to be the "pillar of the truth."
Buy truth, and do not sell it, Get wisdom and instruction and understanding. (Proverbs 23:23

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